Thursday 4 December 2008

The Wheel's animation develpment

The wheel is the main part of animation work of this project. I have been starting to think about how it cound be done weeks ago and came with a solution by just animate 50 frames of the animation and repeat. The wheel would turn 20 degree then instantly go back to the starting piont where it looks exactly the same,so it would tricks your eye so you get the feeling that it's acturally turning 360 degree.

The whole point of to make sure that all cariages always point down by gravity while the frame moves. I can rotate them one by one but that's not a 'production way' to do it. I was looking for a more efficient way so that's why i developed the 20 degree solution.

The disadvantage of this is that if i want to make it loop in the film, I will need to repeat the clip but not the movement. So there is a compositing problem.

Rob came to college yesterday and helped me soloving this problem. Basically I resetted all the cariages' raletion in the hypergragh, instead group them as a whole then rotate them seperatly with the frame, this time I tried to use the Set Driven Key tool. So now when the frame moves whatever degree, all cariages will rotate indepently to counter the frame's movement. For example if the frame moves 180, cariages move -180. The result works perfectly.

1 comment:

Blackgaze said...

Yeah it was great to fix that. It works out really well