Monday 17 November 2008

No time on research development BUT!

I haven't forgotten the research development I should do/redo for the reflective commentry. I said im gonna to do this and some other things after the 5th week's assessment but...

RIGHT! Let me do a plan here cos many things have changed.

Basically I've got 2 weeks for the Funfair project and 1 week for the presentation for Dan Dali. (And some PPD sh*t in a week but it doesnt take long)

By this weekend the presentation has to be finished, and the targets for the funfair project are:
Finish Modeling - at this stage I will RUSH on the quality
Animation 1/2- Mainly lighting animation and secondary animation(mechanical movements)
Finish Lighting
Textruing 1/2

Next week's targets would be:
Finish camera work
Animation 2/2
Texturing 2/2

SO, very heavy stuff here, may drive me mad. I've never done such crazy plan BUT! I'll try push myself to the limit and see how it goes. Really looking forward to this.

The time i've still have got left this week is...Tuesday afternoon and night(well if i successfully get the council tax thing done by that morning). Wed Thu nights. Friday afternoon and night. So there are apx. 15 hours avalible for me before the weekend. Initial plan is to spend 5 hours on presentation and the rest on funfair project. I would do the presentation first and if it takes more than 5 hours, id leave it to the weekend.

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